Friday, May 14, 2010


Haven't had much chance to get out on the water lately.  The weather here has been super weird, even by Colorado standards.  I'm hoping that no more snow comes our way, but in mid-May it's hard to tell around here.

I tied a bunch of renegades tonight.  Have you ever had one of those experiences where you work on perfecting the smallest details on something only to lose sight of the bigger, more important picture?  That happened on this "confused" renegade.  I think it looks pretty good - as nicely trimmed as I could make it with my dull scissors.  Sadly, I got my hackle colors mixed up.  The white should be on the front.  And just as I was about to be so proud of myself!

The second fly is a stimulator pattern.  Both the renegades and stimulators have been good to us in the past up at Hohnholz Lakes, and my grandfather is dying to go up there, so these should come in handy during the next month, with the Poudre running a bit too full for my tastes/skills (or lack thereof).


Unknown said...

Good job John. As an obvious novice, I think the fly looks great!

Midgenut said...

Nice tie on the reverse Renegade... There's actually a name for that variation. It was called a Wardern's Worry back in the 40's and 50's and the fish won't have a clue on the which end is which.