Things are coming along nicely.
My gardening exploits are once again proving to be an exercise in patience and observation. I jumped the gun this year and started planting in late April, just prior to a couple of late season snow storms. The initial row of lettuce and radishes survived nicely. We've been consistently harvesting lettuce and are on the second round of radishes. Conversely, the first round of squash and cucumbers either drowned immediately or simply didn't take root, because throughout May they never made so much as a whimper of an appearance. My corn was a mixture, with about half of the seeds taking off while the others never showed up.
With all the inconsistencies, I decided to plant a few things over earlier in June. It must have done the trick, because everything is now growing visibly every day.
Better than any of these diversions, however, is the steady drop in water level on the Poudre! I'm anticipating a return to the river in 2-3 weeks, at which time the summer/fall trout season will begin in earnest. I can hardly contain myself. In the meantime, I broke out the float tube tonight to make sure it's still leak-free for tomorrow's Father's Day outing to some stillwater in Wyoming.
Three generations of the Gray/Anderson clan will do their best to land a few trout. I make no promises, as I'm even less accomplished on a lake with a fly rod than I am on streams, but I'll post a report for interested parties tomorrow night.
All in all, life is starting to look a little greener these days. Not where I want it yet, but forward progress.
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